Pain that you couldn’t recover from?

UTEMI Service

Tratamientos para el dolor

Forget about pain

  • The less invasive techniques and with less complication to treat pain.
  • Accurate diagnosis and personal treatment.
  • Second opinion by interventionist radiology specialists.
  • Solve your doubts with a specialist.

Minimally Invasive Techniques Unit

UTEMI, Minimally Invasive Techniques Unit for Pain Treatment offers wide choice of techniques based in interventionist radiology.
Medical technology advances combined with the best imaging guide (MRI, CT, X-ray), we offer an alternative to surgical treatment that allows us to treat different pathologies safely, with less pain and reduced recovery time.

Among others, some of the most common problems that we can treat in UTEMI are:

  • Spine: lumbar, cervical, dorsal pain.
  • Joints: knee, hip, shoulder.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Musculoskeletal pain.
  • Oncology pain.

UTEMI service available in IMED Valencia, IMED Levante and IMED International Center

Tratamientos para el dolor

More than 70 techniques to treat pain

Técnicas mínimamente invasivas para tratar el dolor

Musculoskeletal pain, joints and spine

Dolores crónicos

Minimally invasive, faster and with less complications

Diagnóstico individualizado del dolor

Accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment

Dr. Manuel Cifrián

Radiologist specialised in pain treatment
  • Medicine and Surgery Doctor by the Medicine University of Valencia.
  • Master’s degree in Clinical and Medical Management by the UNED University of Madrid.
  • Expert’s certificate in Interventionist pain by the World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography. Certificate by the WAPMU and by the World Institute of Pain (WIP).
  • PhD studies in Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Expert in Minimally Invasive Techniques for oncology patients and pain treatment.
  • Vascular, non vascular and musculoskeletal intervention procedures (minimally invasive techniques)
Dr. Manuel Cifrián

IMED Valencia

Av. de la Ilustración, 1
46100 Burjassot

IMED Valencia

Appointments 963 00 30 00

IMED Levante

C/ Ramón y Cajal 7
03503 Benidorm

IMED Levante

Appointments 966 87 87 87

IMED International Center

Avda. Mariners, 12
03570 La Cala de Villajoyosa

IMED International Center

Appointments 966 87 87 92

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